Minikhana Festival – Postponed (date tba)
Former Trotting Track, Perc Griffith Way, Orange
The festival will have a range of activities and display:
- Minikhana event – this is where events are held to develop & practice skills for 4-16 years
- Come & Try Day with minibikes provided by Motorcycling NSW
- Exhibitors including local motorcycle, kart, automobile and trailer dealers
- Motorcycle Club stands to chat about the club and it’s events and how you can be involved
- Orange Kart Club will also have a Come & Try Day at the adjacent kart track.
- MiniKhana you bring your bike and try the slalom, clover leaf and the “Accel-R8” layouts.
MiniKhana’s focus is on skill development and practice – there are instructors to assist and support development.
For the Minikhana the Ride Park Day entry fee is:
Junior Riders: under 18 $30 (fee breakdown: $15 Club – $5.00 SCB – $10.00 MA/RPA)
It will be run as a Ride Park Day and managed by officials from the Blacktown Junior Minibike Club, NSW’s biggest Minikhana Club.
It coincides with Motorcycling Australia’s Minikhana Activation Program for which various give-aways are available. (More info available on the MA website.)
CMC have also secured the “Minibikes Heroes” trailer from Motorcycling NSW.
This comes with 6 minibikes of different sizes, plus helmets and boots. It is set up for “come & try” sessions for families so they don’t have to go out and purchase everything before they know if their child wants to get involved in this great sport.
The Orange Kart Club, which is also based at this venue, will set up a club tent (alongside with the other automotive aligned clubs with static displays) and offer “come & try” karting sessions on their newly resealed track.
CMC have invited our district motorcycle dealers, Bathurst Speedway Museum, car dealers and caravan and trailer manufacturers to set up displays with a view to creating a little more to see and perhaps, make some future plans for the family to go motorcycling.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and look forward to seeking you at the Orange International Moto Park down the track.
Free Minibike Come & Try Day
As part of the Minikhana Festival enjoy our Free Minibike Come & Try Day
Helmets, Boots, Goggles provided by Motorcycling NSW. BYO Gloves
Minibikes that all made for children include 50cc, 110cc and 140cc
(PeeWee50cc, TTR110cc and KLX140cc)
Times start at 9am and last session is starts 340pm with sessions being 20mins.
If you prefer to pre-register and reserve a bike and timeslot to not miss out, you can call in to one of our supporters listed below and complete the form, or show up on the day:
- Morris Motorcycles Orange,
- Western Range Motorcycles Orange,
- Mick Muldoon Motorcycles Bathurst,
- Beard Brothers Motorcycles Bathurst
Parent or guardian’s signature required for indemnity purposes on the day.
Optional insurance payment is available.
Must be at the trailer for gear selection 20 minutes prior to nominated time.
First 50 primary school aged riders to receive a novelty show bag from MNSW.